Ramadan Classes Starting from 1st March 2025. Enroll ASAP by calling us
Admissions started for the year 2025
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There are 29 Mufridat Letters i.e. Letters in the Arabic alphabets. C Pronounce the Mufridat Letters with the Arabic accent according to the rules of Tajweed and Qira`at; avoiding Urdu pronunciations, for example do not pronounce them at all as: ‘ظوئے ,طوئے ,خے ,حے ,ےث , تے ,بے .‘Instead pronounce them in the following way: َحا , َخا ,طَا ,ظَا’ َا ,تَا ,ثَا , ب .‘C From these 29 letters, there are 7 letters that are always pronounced with a thicker voice; these letters are called ‘Musta’liyah Letters’. These َض ْغٍط ِ ـق ْظ’ :is) abbreviation (combination Their’. ق , غ ,ظ ,ط ,ض ,ص ,خ’ :are letters 7 ّص َ .‘ ُخ C Only 4 letters are pronounced from the lips: ب ,ف ,م ,و .Apart from these letters, do not let the lips move whilst pronouncing any other letter. C While pronouncing these 3 letters ز ,س ,ص a whistle-like high-pitched sound is created, that’s why these letters are called ‘Letters of Safeeriyah’ i.e. letters producing a whistle like sound.